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Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. I am a high school earth science teacher in Newport News, Virginia. I am currently pursuing certification in library science.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Audio Tools

Vocaroo.com allows you to simply record a message without downloading any software.  After the message is recorded, you can save it.  The only options however, were to post it online somewhere, such as a social networking site or your blog, or to email it. You cannot download as an audio file.  It is convenient in that you don’t have to sign up for a service.

Audio Pal also allows you to record messages without downloading anything.  On this site, in addition to recording with your microphone, you can to call a number and record the message. Then you get a link to the message in an email.  Again, you don’t get an audio file to download, just a link to embed. I personally would not use this site because you are required to give your email address. I try not to do this unless absolutely necessary because I already get enough junk email!

Voki does require you to create a free account to use.  I created an account to try it out because I thought creating a talking avatar was a neat idea.  I kind of enjoyed creating a little character and giving it a voice.  However, I wish there were more options for customization of the character.  It could be fun to use a talking avatar of you on your classroom blog so the students could see “you” as well as hear you when you upload an audio file.  Once you finish creating your animated talking avatar, you get a link to embed on your website.  You can also post it directly on social media sites such as facebook, twitter, wordpress, and blogger.  Mine is posted below.

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I explored the other resources in the sandbox and am very intrigued by VoiceThread. I had never heard of it before, but it seems pretty amazing.  It would be most useful for me as online tutoring or to continue class discussions at discontinuous times. I also really like Narrable.  I could use Narrable to make short audio reviews to go along with pictures, PPT slides, or other written material. I could see using this to post review material before the end of course SOL class. I made a one slide PPT on the rock cycle. I used and cited images from the Creative Commons.  I used Narrable to add audio. 

This is a rough cut, so to speak!  I only did it once and did not re-record.  I didn't record directly on Narrable. I used Audacity to record the file and exported it as a mp3 file.  I uploaded the mp3 to Narrable. Enjoy your short rock lesson!!

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